Transform Your Life with Feminine Embodiment

Find your inner radiance and live with more pleasure, sensuality, and feminine energy every day.

Discover the Power of Feminine Embodiment

Transform your journey, whether you're a beginner, advanced bodywork practitioner, or longtime yogi, with our 2-day Feminine Embodiment course.


Tap into and embrace your feminine energy, igniting your intuitive wisdom regardless of your gender or background. Dive into practices and techniques designed to awaken and nurture this empowering aspect of yourself, fostering greater self-awareness and inner harmony.


Enhance your sensory experience and cultivate greater pleasure in your daily life and body. Our guided exercises and mindfulness practices will empower you to fully engage with and savor your physical sensations, fostering a more joyful and fulfilling life experience.


By integrating feminine embodiment, you'll feel more connected to yourself and others. This holistic approach fosters completeness and interconnectedness, enhancing relationships, overall well-being, and a sense of safety in body and life.

Reconnect with Your Intuitive Wisdom

In our daily lives, masculine energy often takes center stage. From the boardroom to the gym, in decision-making and problem-solving – the narrative of strength and empowerment is deeply rooted in masculine ideals. Logic is prioritized over intuition, assertiveness over empathy, and efficiency over emotion. We are taught to compartmentalize our feelings, suppress vulnerability, and prioritize productivity above all else.

Aspects like "Bauchgefühl" – that gut feeling or intuitive knowing – are often overlooked, dismissed as mere whimsy or irrationality. The spiritual approach is often deemed as hocus pocus, relegated to the realms of mysticism and superstition. Yet, in the midst of this masculine-dominated paradigm, there exists a profound yearning for something more. Something softer. Something deeper.

🌸 Challenge Patriarchy

Engaging in feminine and sensual yoga movement practices serves as a powerful tool for challenging patriarchal norms and structures, promoting feminine empowerment. By embracing movements and energies traditionally associated with femininity, practitioners can disrupt the status quo and pave the way for greater gender equality and liberation.

🌸 Reconnect with Femininity

Feminine yoga practices provide a space to reconnect with aspects of yourself traditionally associated with femininity, such as sensitivity, intuition, and nurturing qualities. In a world that often marginalizes these traits, embracing them through movement can be a radical act of self-love and acceptance.

🌸 Explore Sensuality

By embracing sensuality and embodiment, feminine yoga practices offer a pathway for exploring and honoring one's own sexuality in a supportive, soft, and non-judgmental space. Through gentle movements and breathwork, practitioners can cultivate a deeper connection with their bodies and tap into the innate sensuality that resides within.

The feminine is often marginalized or overshadowed by its masculine counterpart. In this landscape, embracing feminine yoga practices becomes a revolutionary act of reclaiming power and agency. It's a journey of reconnecting with the often neglected aspects of ourselves—sensitivity, intuition, empathy, and sensuality. It's about honoring the wisdom of the body, the rhythms of nature, and the flow of energy that courses through us all.

In this space, movement becomes a form of meditation, a way of tapping into the depths of our being and unlocking the latent potential within. It's not about perfecting poses or achieving a certain aesthetic – it's about surrendering to the wisdom of the body, listening to its whispers, and moving in harmony with the ebb and flow of life. So why should you engage in feminine practices?

🌸 Cultivate Creativity

The fluid and expressive movements inherent in feminine yoga and movement practices can tap into your innate creativity, offering new perspectives and potentials for self-expression, innovation, and liberation. By allowing yourself to move intuitively and authentically, you can unlock hidden depths of creativity and unleash your full potential.

🌸 Nurture Inner Strength

Contrary to popular belief, embracing femininity in movement does not equate to weakness. On the contrary, it can cultivate a profound sense of inner strength and resilience, empowering you to navigate patriarchal challenges with grace and determination. By honoring the feminine aspects within yourself, you can harness their power to overcome obstacles and thrive in all areas of life.

What’s Inside The Course?

Dinah’s 2-day online course offers a transformative practice. Designed to accommodate both beginners and advanced practitioners, each day features one session, 30 and 40 minutes in length, incorporating gentle body activation rooted in organic movement, breathwork, and meditation. After a successful one-time payment, you are ready to access and start the course. All you need is an internet connection, a quiet space, and a comfortable surface to sit on. Nothing else is required.

About Dinah Akua

Dinah Akua, a Senegalese-German wellness entrepreneur, embodies a profound commitment to guiding individuals on transformative journeys of self-discovery and healing. As the founder of WATA Movement, formerly Afro Yoga, Dinah brings over a decade of teaching experience, nurturing not only bodies but also spirits. She is more than a teacher; she is a mother, a womanist, a storyteller, and a creative.

Drawing from her personal journey of learning, unlearning, and healing from multiple traumas, Dinah offers a unique depth of understanding and compassion in her teachings. Certified in Hatha/Vinyasa Yoga, Kemetic Yoga, and Pregnancy Yoga, her expertise transcends physical practice, embracing holistic wellness and spiritual growth. Continually expanding her knowledge through studies in Kemetic Reiki, African Spirituality, and Tantric Yoga, Dinah is committed to upholding the highest standards of teaching and learning as a registered member and continuing education provider of Yoga Alliance.

Begin your journey towards reconnecting with your feminine energy and transform your daily life.

Your Top Questions

General Information

  • The Feminine Embodiment Course is a transformative 2-day online program designed to help you reconnect with your feminine essence through a blend of breath work, gentle body activation, and meditation.

  • This course is suitable for both beginners and advanced practitioners of yoga and bodywork. No prior experience is required.

  • Yes, this course is designed to help anyone, regardless of gender, to tap into and embrace their feminine energy.

  • The course is available in both English and German.

  • The course spans 2 days and includes two sessions: one 30-minute session and one 40-minute session. The more you practice the course, the more you tune into your feminine essence. You can repeat the course or implement the practices into your personal practice for ongoing benefits.

  • You will learn practices and techniques to awaken and nurture your feminine energy, enhance your sensuality and pleasure, and cultivate greater self-awareness and inner harmony.

  • The course is delivered online and can be accessed from anywhere. It includes pre-recorded sessions that you can watch at your convenience.

  • You will need a quiet space to practice, an internet connection to access the course materials, and a comfortable surface on the floor to sit on.

  • The course includes a mix of breath work, gentle body activation, and meditation designed to help you connect deeply with your feminine energy, leading to greater self-awareness and inner harmony.

  • Absolutely! The course is designed with flexibility in mind. You can access the pre-recorded sessions at any time that suits you best, making it easy to fit into a busy lifestyle.

  • Breath work and organic movement help you tune into your body, release tension, and enhance your overall well-being. These practices are key to reconnecting with your feminine essence and experiencing more pleasure and joy in your life.

  • The course is taught by Dinah Akua, a certified yoga teacher with expertise in Hatha/Vinyasa Yoga, Kemetic Yoga, and Pregnancy Yoga. She is also the founder of WATA Movement and has been working with feminine embodiment practices for many years.

  • This course uniquely combines breath work, gentle body activation, meditation, and organic movement to specifically focus on awakening and nurturing your feminine energy, making it distinct from general yoga or embodiment courses. It is a blend of practices that Dinah has practiced and taught for many years, carefully curated from her extensive experience.

Access and Refunds

  • To enroll in the course, you need to sign up and fill in your credit card details for the one-time payment. After signing up, you will receive your login information.

  • You can purchase via credit card and PayPal. If you can't find a payment option that suits you, please contact

  • If you are not happy with the course, you can get your money back within 3 days after purchase. Please provide details on why you are not satisfied with the course and write to for assistance.

  • Yes, the course is suitable for access on various devices including mobile phones and tablets.

  • Yes, you will have lifelong access to the course materials. Additionally, as soon as the platform is no longer available, you will be able to download the course materials.

  • Yes, you can purchase the course as a gift. Click here.

Pricing and Discounts

  • The course costs 55 euros.

  • There are discounts and promotional offers available. Please check Dinah's website and social media for discounts. Additionally, sign up for the newsletter to receive special offers.

  • No, once you've completed your payment, there are no additional fees or costs associated with the course.


  • You can easily share your feedback and suggestions by commenting directly in the comment section under the course. Your input is greatly appreciated as we're committed to ensuring your learning experience is as valuable and enriching as possible.

  • Yes, Dinah also provides a comprehensive membership called "Queencare." It grants access to a diverse collection of pre-recorded yoga, meditation, and more videos for daily practice, with new content regularly uploaded. Explore Queencare here.

  • The best way to stay informed is by signing up for Dinah's newsletter and following her on Instagram.

  • For additional questions or assistance, you can contact the course support team at

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